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 Sports in Greenways focuses on promoting sports and healthy leisure activities in outdoor environments, specifically greenways and potential greenways. Our primary goal is to stimulate sports activities by enhancing the sports offerings available in these scenic pathways while simultaneously raising awareness about environmental issues and the principles of circular economy.


Access the completed outputs of the project showcased here by clicking the button below.

National reports on the current network of sport greenways in each country

The national report provides an overview and general conclusions on the current network of sport greenways in partner countries, along with specific information about the greenway networks in each represented country within the consortium (Spain, Belgium, Austria, Slovakia, Italy, Greece, and Portugal).


Handbook: 7 cases of successful sport activities in greenways

The handbook showcases seven selected cases of best practices in sports within greenways, representing each country in the consortium with EGWA as the lead beneficiary providing the research overview and each partner responsible for their respective best practice examples.


Interactive Map of Potential Greenways

The interactive and visual display serves as a comprehensive map, highlighting the sports opportunities presented by repurposed abandoned railways transformed into potential greenways. You can finddetailed information on available kilometers, nearby services, and leisure and touristic landmarks, enhancing the range of sports activities in currently unused areas.

General Objectives

1 / Exploring the Sports Offer in Greenways: Uncovering Possibilities and Potentialities within Participant Countries' Networks

Identify the possibilities and potentialities of current sports offer in greenways amongst the respective greenways network of the participant countries

2 / Enhancing Greenway Popularity: Designing a Tailored Sports Offer for Diverse Target Groups

Increase the popularity of greenways through the design of a sports offer based on them, updated and specifically adapted to the different target groups that the project involves.

3 / Driving and Empowering Greenways as Open-air Sports Infrastructure: A Strategic Approach for Stakeholders in Sports and Rural Areas

Impulse and strengthen the use of greenways as open-air sports infrastructure through a specific strategy and guidelines addressed to stakeholders of sports and rural areas in which potentially greenways are located.


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DEFOIN (Spain)

IEC (Austria), Trekkify (Italy), ANCE (Greece), EGWA (Belgium), OTI (Slovakia), ADCS Carvalhais (Portugal)

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project: “Sigway – Sports in Greenways” N.101050692 – GAP-101050692

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