Learning by Doing
Experiential Learning in Formal School Education
In key with this the Learning by Doing project will take things out of the classroom and place them in a real-life context so that students can acquire knowledge that they are being taught in the school in a way that is more interesting through hands-on learning.
What a Wonderful World!
Through this project, we aim to empower the younger generation. Our focus is on enhancing eco-literacy—a comprehensive understanding of environmental principles and the importance of living in harmony with nature. We believe that by cultivating this knowledge, we can inspire and implement tangible actions to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Climb It UP!
Climbing for Social Inclusion & Diversity
The project aims to promote inclusion and diversity in and through climbing, encouraging participation in sport activities. It also seeks to foster participants’ social and intercultural competences, essential for active participation in democratic life, social and civic engagement.

Cold Water Swimming for Dimentia & Depression Prevention
Cold water swimming, breath control, and mindfulness are known to provide a holistic approach to the prevention of dementia and depression.The project aims to explore the existing methods of cold water exposure, synthesizing the main, most significant, and most promising methods.
Disability Oriented first aid and secondary CARE

The project address the lack of specific protocols concerning first aid and secondary care for people with disabilities, and providing the first step to a concrete solution.
Green Three Seas Initiative for Youth

The project is in line with the European Union's efforts to achieve a climate-neutral continent by 2050.This initiative stands as a testament to our commitment to addressing the environmental, social, and economic aspects of the ecological transformation outlined in the European Green Deal.

Empowered Above Sexual Violence in Sports
RISE initiative focuses on combating sexual violence within the realm of sports, taking a multi-pronged approach.