Legal Info
Organization Name
Zentrum für Innovative Bildung
(Innovative Education Center)
Acyronm: IEC
ZVR: 1416156544
Members of the Board
Managing Director: Pelin Öztürk
Advisory Board: Jeanette Müller; Paul Divjak
Board: Pelin Öztürk, Cengizhan Ceylan, Alina Bublyk
The purpose of the association is to promote non-formal education, active citizenship and European values.
Bank details
Bank details: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Bank address: Rothschildplatz 1, 1020 Wien, Austria
Name of account: Zentrum für innovative Bildung
IBAN: AT741200010038096706
Registered Adress
Zentrum für innovative Bildung
Adress: c/o Impact Hub Vienna
Lindengasse 56/18-19
1070 Wien
The Nature of the Organization
The association is apolitical, politically neutral and religiously independent. The association pursues exclusively charitable purposes, its activities are not directd towards profit.